2024 Regional Directors Elections

Candidate profiles for the current regional director elections are available below. Eligible voting members will receive notices regarding voting in the election via the voting system: OpaVote. The election will occur from April 22 to May 13 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern. Results will be announced in mid-May.

Ranked Choice Voting will be used for the election, which means voters can cast a ballot for all of the candidates, ranking their top candidate first, followed by other candidates according to their preference for selection. A more detailed description of ranked choice voting can be found here, and a YouTube explanation is here.

Candidates in elections have been asked not to campaign on their behalf, and the same is asked of all ACUI members. All of the information below was submitted by the candidates; the content has not been edited by ACUI. You are encouraged to contact candidates with any questions regarding their candidacy. Note that candidate statements and information below is shown as submitted and was not edited by ACUI.

REgion III CandidaTes

There is one candidate for one regional director position, which carries a two-year commitment. 


A concern is growing about our Student Affairs field not being a sustainable career. We’ve seen many colleagues leave the profession and students who are not considering going into the field. Engaging young professionals and students in the association and involving them at the regional level is crucial for the growth and sustainability of not only ACUI, but the profession. We need to develop programs and initiatives that cater to the interest and needs of young professionals, including workshops and networking events to enhance their career development, leadership skills, and personal interests. Through mentorship programs, we can involve our experienced professionals to encourage and show pathways for opportunities for involvement with association leadership, committees, and projects. We need to continue to seek feedback from young professionals on their experiences, so we evolve our programs and not keep the same “cut and paste” format of the past. In the same way we build community on our campus, we need to build community through our profession by creating a welcoming and supportive environment where all members feel valued and included in an environment where they see themselves in Student Affairs long term. By implementing these strategies, we can engage young professionals and students in our association and empower them to contribute, fostering a vibrant and inclusive community of future leaders. Anti-DEI legislation is sweeping our country, especially in our Region III. These efforts could lead to increased discrimination, limited access to resources, and a hostile campus climate for marginalized groups. They are trying to undermine the work we’re doing as community builders to create inclusive spaces, promote diversity, and ensure equality. This is counter to ACUI’s commitment to fostering inclusive and welcoming campus communities. Despite these efforts, we are continuing to do the work in promoting belonging and inclusive environments in our region. We know that diverse and inclusive Student Unions & Student Centers lead to enhanced learning, improved student experiences, and enhanced campus culture. As an association we need to encourage and promote the work that is happening in our spaces. We need to share the stories of the communities creating the spaces, and the stories of the students who are benefiting from it. Our Region III should assist with this response by binding together and providing support through workshops, training, and sharing of resources. Furthermore, we need to promote to our members how contributing to ACUI’s efforts through volunteering, advocacy, and participation in programs and events helps confront anti-DEI legislation and reiterates the association’s commitment to DEI. 

Skills and Perspectives Contributed

I’m honored to say I’ve been in the business of creating memorable college experiences for 25 years, as a student and a professional, across 6 different campuses. Throughout these years I’ve gained various perspectives on how we build community. I’ve parlayed the knowledge from one space and applied it to the new opportunity. Whether it’s program planning, team building, budgeting, or interpreting a new policy, I’ve seen ways to accomplish goals from multiple angles. In my roles I’ve worked with budgets big and small, and carried out strategic plans. My strengths are centered around relationship building. The signature themes of Adaptability, Includer, and Positivity shine with the teams I have led and been involved with. I truly believe in the student union as the place where students find themselves and build valuable connections whether it’s from student’s employment and organizational involvement or attendance at events. I believe in the power of community and the impact we have in growing student’s lives. My 17-year involvement with ACUI has been very rewarding. I’ve served in roles on Regional Leadership Teams and on Regional Conference Planning teams both in the former and current structures. On the national level I served on the Student Programs team and on the Chicago 2022 Conference Planning Team, the first in person conference after a 2-year hiatus. All of these capacities required strategic thinking, planning, and creating meaningful experiences. I would love the opportunity to use my community building strengths to create memorable association experiences for Region III. 

Educational Background
  • 2003: Florida State University, Bachelor of Science, Accounting & Finance
  • 2005: Eastern Illinois University, Master of Science, College Student Affairs. 
Employment Experience 
  • 2022 – Present: Executive Director of Student Involvement – College of Charleston  
  • 2014 – 2022: Associate Director for Student Activities, University Programs – University of South Alabama  
  • 2008 – 2014: Assistant Director of Student Activities for Weekend Programs & Student Organizations – University of North Carolina at Charlotte  
  • 2005 – 2008: Assistant Director for UC Programs – Western Carolina University  
ACUI Experience  

Region III Conference Coordinator (2024) Region III Conference Planning Team: Coordinator-Elect & Keynotes Chair (2023) ACUI Annual Conference Planning Team: Keynotes Chair (2022) ACUI I-LEAD Small Group Facilitator (2018) Region III Conference Planning Team: Ed Session Chair (2017) Recreation and Leisure Activities Program Team Chair (2012 – 2016) Region 5 Conference Planning Team Special Events Chair (2011) Region 5 Leisure Programs Chair (2010 – 2012) Region 5 Poetry Slam Coordinator (2007 – 2010) Presenter: New Kids On The Block: Lessons From Our First Year as Directors (2024) Presenter: Foundations in Personal Finance: Making Sense out of Dollars and Cents for Students – ACUI Region III Conference 2019, ACUI Region III Conference 2020, ACUI Annual Conference 2021 Presenter: Uniting Student & Academic Affairs Through Common Read – ACUI Region III Conference 2016 Presenter: Retreat Planning 101 – ACUI Annual Conference 2016 Presenter: Building Community Through Competition – ACUI Annual Conference 2015 Presenter: There’s Nothing Weak About Weekend Programs – ACUI Region 5 Conference 2012 Presenter: A Stress Free Guide to Leisure Weekend – ACUI Region 5 Conference 2010 & 2012 Presenter: Will Work for College Credit – ACUI Drive In Conference 2007, ACUI Annual Conference 2007, ACUI Region 5 Conference 2006 

REgion V CandidaTes

There is one candidate for one regional director position, which carries a two-year commitment. 


The landscape of higher education and campus unions has changed dramatically in the last 5 years. Budget cuts and attacks on DEI work have led to a large turnover of staff across the country. The staff that are currently doing the work are being asked to do more with less. There has also been a shift in the students we work with. More focus on mental health, less previous work skills coming into our spaces, and different attitudes about work and volunteer roles. Here are some areas I think we as an Association need to address: 1. Membership engagement: One of the most important strategic issues facing the Association is ensuring high levels of membership engagement. While it was great to see the Annual Conference attendance get back to pre-2020 levels, we had to cancel our regional conference due to low registration. With so many new staff members at college campuses today, we need to develop a comprehensive membership engagement strategy that includes targeted communications, member benefits, and opportunities for involvement in committees and events. 2. Advocacy and influence: Another critical strategic issue is maintaining and strengthening the Association’s advocacy efforts and influence in the industry. With the attacks on DEI work on many campuses, the Association should effectively respond to these issues by establishing strong relationships with key stakeholders, engaging in targeted advocacy campaigns, and supporting members in their own advocacy efforts. 3. Innovation and adaptation: The rapidly changing higher education environment presents a strategic issue for the Association in terms of innovation and adaptation. The Association needs to continually evolve its programs, services, and offerings to meet the changing needs and preferences of its members. To effectively respond to this issue, the Association should conduct regular market research, solicit feedback from members, and be open to trying new approaches and technologies. 

Skills and Perspectives Contributed

As an ACUI volunteer, I possess a combination of skills and perspectives that I believe would contribute to my success in this role. Firstly, I have excellent communication and interpersonal skills, which are essential for building relationships with students, staff, and other volunteers within the organization. I can effectively listen, collaborate, and communicate ideas in a clear and concise manner. Additionally, I have strong organizational and time management skills, allowing me to efficiently prioritize tasks and meet deadlines. I am detail-oriented and can effectively manage multiple projects at once, ensuring that all responsibilities are completed in a timely manner. I also bring a thoughtful and inclusive perspective to my work, valuing diversity and actively seeking out different viewpoints. I am committed to fostering an inclusive and welcoming environment for all individuals within the ACUI community, promoting equity and understanding. Overall, I am passionate about student affairs and am dedicated to supporting the mission and values of ACUI. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the organization and help create a positive and engaging experience for its members. 

Educational Background

I have a Bachelor of Science degree from Iowa State University and a Master of Arts in Education from the University of Northern Iowa. I have been working in student services in higher education since 2000. I’ve been at both small, private institutions and large public institutions. 


ACUI: Association of College Unions International; Region V Business Manager-current, Member of Annual Conference Planning Team 2023, Region V Conference Chair for Fall 2023, Region V conference planning committee and workshop presenter 2020-2022 o UW-Madison Professional Development and Recognition Committee: 2018-2021 o Leadership@UW: Planning member, June 2017-present o Search and Screen committee for Director of Student Organizations and Leadership Programs in the College of Engineering o Search and Screen Chair for Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life o MASN: Madison Academic Staff Network: Member August 2006-present; Mentor 2012-2018, 2023 o Completed Principles of Supervising and Management Course at UW-Madison o CSC: Career Services Council, UW-Madison: Member: 2007-May 2017; Executive Board: August 2014-May 2017,Chair of Professional Development Committee: August 2015-May 2017 o SPA: Student Personal Association, UW-Madison-Executive Board 2009-2012 

REgion VII CandidaTes

There are two candidates for one regional director position, which carries a two-year commitment. 


The main issues that the Association faces are a lack of volunteers, and, by extension, member burn out, changing student body needs that no longer match the facilities and programs that we are accustomed to providing, and diminishing budgets forcing departments to make hard decisions about their expenditures. ACUI is a volunteer organization. Sadly, across the field, administrators are being asked to do more with less. They are being forced to make tough decisions regarding the little spare time they have available. We see that the trend is not spending that time volunteering at the regional or national level. I think that demystifying the path to volunteering and the true level of commitment required may help some of our members rethink their decisions. Our students have needs that are dramatically different from their predecessors of just a decade ago. They now use our buildings in different ways and socialize in novel ways. Layered on that are new trends born out of the pandemic. ACUI needs to be nimble enough to provide resources and best practices for our members hoping to properly serve this new breed of students. We can do this through our conferences and through one-off workshops that address nuanced topics that may not fit into the conference format. Lastly, we must recognize that the college administrator’s path is markedly different from traditional ACUI membership. When deciding where to spend departmental budgets, managers may be reluctant to dedicate funds to staff members who may not stay in the field for very long. If ACUI pivots to offering services and resources that prove to be retention tools, the Association may be considered a good return on investment. 

Skills and Perspectives Contributed

I am a professional who believes in connecting people to their proper skill set and letting them be great at the task assigned to them. I am particularly skilled in discerning those talents and identifying jobs that are suited to them. Throughout my almost thirty years in higher education, I have been a great motivator and I tend to provide a work environment that teams thrive in. Lastly, I am a networker and a connector. I am very good at connecting people who will work well with each other and would benefit from closer association. 

Educational Background

Masters in Higher Ed. Administration Bachelors in Business Administration 


Association of College Unions International (ACUI) 2007-present -Board of Trustees member 2019-2021 -Conference planning team for the 2018 National Conference in Anaheim, California. -Chair of the Catholic Schools Community of Practice 2015-2019. -Region 3 Poetry Slam Coordinator -Regional Planning Team 2008-2016 -Regional Conference Chair 2008 Association of Fraternity Advisors (AFA) -Marketing, Management, and Recruitment (MMR) Team 2006 & 2007 -Diversity Think Tank 2007 Northeastern Greek Leadership Association (NGLA) -Board Member 2006 & 2007 


When reflecting on the most important strategic issues that ACUI is facing, the first thing that comes to mind is the ability to fill volunteer positions throughout all regions. While sitting on the various committees across the organization, I often hear that regions struggle to get long-lasting members to fill their positions in crucial roles on their regional leadership teams and conference planning teams; directly impacting the development in the regions. By focusing on the current membership lists, inviting our seasoned professionals, and building relationships with our graduating students and entry level professionals, I strongly believe that we can increase the people getting involved. Another point to help with securing volunteers would be to continue the nomination process, but to share the information about the nominator. By excluding that information, we are preventing a key relationship building component that can make the difference of involvement in ACUI. Another issue facing ACUI is the organization having financial confidence and transparency throughout. When speaking with different stakeholders throughout the organization, there seems to be a focus on the Annual conference and ensuring that expenses are covered for that conference, but not always a focus on regions. I believe that the association needs to evaluate their sources of income and share that transparently with members. The regions need more help from sponsorships, which can easily be an extension of the Annual sponsorship list by creating a level of sponsorship that includes the Annual Conference, along with regions local to those businesses. This will support the regions that are financially struggling so they can in-turn host the professional development needed for their members. 

Skills and Perspectives Contributed

My ability to speak with people and build relationships with them is the skill that will contribute to my success as the Region VII regional director. I spend my time with ACUI colleagues truly getting to know them and encouraging them to volunteer, often recruiting them while at the annual or regional conference. I love listening to people and thrive in supporting the big ideas that my colleagues have, making them into reality. Besides my ability to build relationships, I am very organized and detail oriented. I do not like to wait until the last minute to plan things, so I put forth every effort to plan a year ahead of time for large events. Last, I like to be transparent and share all the information I can with the people on my team, so that we can all work together towards a common solution. 

Educational Background

I started my college career obtaining my bachelor’s degree in psychology, with another degree a year later in elementary education. I always thought that I was going to be a kindergarten teacher and wanted to help serve our special education students. While pursuing my master’s degree in special education, I was a resident assistant and learned about higher education as a career. From there, it was all over…I remained in my current program, but upon graduating, my classroom was the residents that lived on campus. After my masters, I completed a variety of manager institutes with the most recent one last year, the Rutgers Leadership Academy, where I received a certificate of completion after completing my Beloved Community poster presentation. 


I have been involved in ACUI for the past 13 years of my career and I was immediately hooked. Not only was I presenting at any conference that I could, but I would also volunteer at each of the annual or regional conferences that I attended. It was amazing to get to know the people of Region VII and one is the reason that I am where I am today. Adriane Reilly nominated me to be a part of the Conference Planning Team in 2019 and I have not looked back. I was the regional sponsorship coordinator for a few years in a row, raising over $50,000 worth of in kind and financial sponsorships. After helping with the conferences, I joined the Regional Leadership Team where I still hold the Student Involvement Coordinator position. Along with the RLT, I have been a co-chair of the Student Employee Supervisor Community of Practice for the past few years, have helped plan the BM Institute this past year, and am a member of the Corporate Partnership Development Team. I was also awarded the 2023 Excellence in Volunteer Service Award at the Annual Conference last year in Boston. Another relevant experience is that I have taught non-credit courses for Temple University, specifically in meeting management and customer service curriculum. 

Candidate Photos

Region III Director
James Contratto
College of Charleston

Region V Director
Mary Russell
University of Wisconsin–Madison

Region VII Director
Hayden Greene
Marymount Manhattan College

Region VII Director
Chrissie King
Rutgers University

There are many situations in which ACUI members are asked for their vote. For instance, Board of Trustees or regional director elections and some new initiatives or bylaw changes that require member approval. To be eligible to vote in any ACUI election, you must be a member at an institution in good standing.  Each institution has 5 voting members. Voters must be roster members at a member institution in good standing with ACUI at least one day prior to the ballot being available and in compliance with voting eligibility as defined in Article III, Section 3 of the ACUI Constitution. Regional elections are limited to those members in the particular region holding the election.

If you have any questions regarding ACUI elections, please contact the ACUI Central Office at 812.245.2284 or [email protected].