ACUI offers online courses that allow you to obtain a badge or micro-credential to demonstrate competence in a specified skill set and receive recognition for continuing your education and advancing your career.

Full Courses

Full courses last several weeks and include both synchronous and asynchronous learning with your cohort. Courses cost $199 for members and $259 for nonmembers. The registration deadline is one week prior to the start date. Premium Tier members may use the Full-Course Voucher toward this event. 

Upcoming Courses

Full Course: Professional Staff Supervision

This training is designed to help professionals develop knowledge and skills related to supervising full-time staff. Potential topics include the transition from supervising students to supervising full-time staff, professional development,...

Full Course: Advanced Assessment, Evaluation, & Research

Advanced Assessment, Evaluation, & Research is designed for mid-level professionals and above. This course helps professionals develop the knowledge and skills noted in ACUIโ€™s Core Competency Rubric under the advanced...


Mini-courses only cost $99 and are self-paced! You have up to six months from your registration to complete a course. There are no classes or peer-to-peer interaction. ACUI offers mini-courses connected to the core competency skill sets as well as other relevant topics. Premium Tier members may use the Mini-Course Voucher toward this event.


ACUI is working to develop mini-courses related to core competency skills sets. The current focus areas are Assessment, Evaluation, and Research; Event Management; and Social Justice. Each mini-course completion earns you a digital credential. If you choose to complete all courses in a given core competency, you can apply for a super-credential in that competency.

Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Mini-Courses

Application of Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Frameworks is a skill set under ACUI’s Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Core Competency. This mini-course can be taken on its own or as part of the Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Learning Path.

  • Assessment, evaluation, and research methods for various campus populations
  • Historical development of assessment methods and implications for application based on campus populations
  • Develop assessment, evaluation, and research tools to align with an institutionโ€™s priorities and values
  • Demonstrate critical thinking and analysis
  • Demonstrate support of an institutionโ€™s accreditation priorities through assessment, evaluation, and research
  • Katie Wilson
  • Julie Fleming
  • Dan Maxwell
  • GC Brugnolo
  • Justin Camputaro

Data Collection & Use of Data is a skill set under ACUI’s Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Core Competency. This mini-course can be taken on its own or as part of the Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Learning Path.

  • Develop data collection strategies that complement methodology choices 
  • Employ privacy and equity when collecting and utilizing demographic data 
  • Accurately interpret data  
  • Align decision making with desired outcomes and use of critical thinking skills  
  • Write empirically based reports and recommendations  
  • Share data effectively to a wide variety of audiences 
  • Assist students in understanding the importance of assessment, evaluation, and research, and how these techniques can be used in their future work 
  • Software used for creating, implementing, and analyzing assessment, evaluation, and research projects 
  • Research methods and applications of assessment, evaluation, and research  
  • Correct use of assessment, evaluation, and research data to make decisions
  • Katie Wilson
  • Julie Fleming
  • Dan Maxwell
  • GC Brugnolo
  • Justin Camputaro

Language and Use of Assessment, Evaluation, & Research is a skill set under ACUI’s Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Core Competency. This mini-course can be taken on its own or as part of the Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Learning Path.

This course will cover assessment-, evaluation-, and research-specific language, as well as the differences between assessment, evaluation, and research. This course is meant to provide an introduction to this skill set and provide learners with basic competency in this area. Further study is recommended for more advanced competency.

  • Understand when to use assessment, evaluation, or research methodologies based on data needed 
  • Develop working knowledge of various reasoning methodologies 
  • Ground assessment, evaluation, and research in relevant theory related to higher education and learning 
  • Incorporate student voice in the assessment, evaluation, and research design process 
  • Understand the importance of using assessment, evaluation, and research to support decisions, set priorities, and align with campus mission, vision, and values
  • Katie Wilson
  • Julie Fleming
  • Dan Maxwell
  • GC Brugnolo
  • Justin Camputaro

Research Ethics is a skill set under ACUI’s Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Core Competency. This mini-course can be taken on its own or as part of the Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Learning Path.

Topics covered will include ethical implications of assessment, evaluation, and research, such as human subject research, development of data-gathering tools, and interpretation and communication of results.

  • Conduct assessment, evaluation, and research in a socially just and equitable manner 
  • Ethically use and share data, being conscious of issues of confidentiality and respect 
  • Consistently ensure that references to research are appropriately cited and attributed 
  • Create and be an active participant in scholarly contributions    
  • Submit research proposals and follow campus-specific institutional review board guidelines
  • Katie Wilson
  • Julie Fleming
  • Dan Maxwell
  • GC Brugnolo
  • Justin Camputaro

Event Management Mini-Courses

The Event Operations course is part of the Event Management Learning Path. This course provides fundamental knowledge and skills related to customer service, layout and capacity, audio-visuals, accessibility compliance, and other operational considerations for events on campus.ย ย ย 

  • Create diagrams utilizing software and equipment inventoryโ€ฏโ€ฏโ€ฏ 
  • Create schedules and sequencing for staff dutiesโ€ฏโ€ฏโ€ฏ 
  • Create and implement communication plans, set-up information, day-of-show plans, and clean-up/strike plansโ€ฏโ€ฏโ€ฏ 
  • Enhance events through audio-visual and other technologyโ€ฏโ€ฏ 
  • Tactfully negotiate last-minute requests and challengesโ€ฏโ€ฏ 

Event Risk Management is a skill set under ACUI’s Event Management Core Competency. This core competency focuses on the ability to successfully plan and execute high-quality programs with and for campus and external stakeholders. This mini-course can be taken on its own or as part of the Event Management Learning Path.

  • Emergency management, including fire code requirementsโ€ฏโ€ฏ 
  • Security and risk mitigation strategiesโ€ฏโ€ฏ 
  • Institution-specific event policies and insurance requirementsโ€ฏ 
  • Venue-specific risk and safety policies and proceduresโ€ฏโ€ฏ 
  • When and how to consult with upper administration, supervisors, campus partners, and institutional legal counsel related to risk and safetyโ€ฏ 
  • Erin Morrell
  • Debaro Huyler
  • Kat Paynter
  • Communicate fire and safety requirements and mediate concernsโ€ฏโ€ฏ 
  • Anticipate risks, including reputational risks, and develop contingency plansโ€ฏ 
  • Execute emergency action plansโ€ฏ  
  • Navigate increased challenges of high-profile speakers/eventsโ€ฏ 

Programming and Event Management is a skill set under ACUI’s Event Management Core Competency. This core competency focuses on the ability to successfully plan and execute high-quality programs with and for campus and external stakeholders. This mini-course can be taken on its own or as part of the Event Management Learning Path.

  • Venue-specific scheduling and room reservation policies 
  • Contract creation, review, negotiation, and execution 
  • Event planning timelines 
  • Best practices related to on-site work with contracted talent and vendors 
  • Environmentally responsible event practices 
  • Relevant local and national laws and ordinances
  • Erin Morrell
  • Bill Tourville
  • Anthony Otero
  • Victoria Rice
  • Gather and utilize student and community input relative to proposed content  
  • Create balanced event programming to serve the full campus community, paying attention to cultural and social identities  
  • Develop and maintain relationships with agencies and third-party vendors  
  • Establish event objectives, such as revenue generation and learning outcomes  
  • Create and operate within an event budget  
  • Develop a volunteer or staffing plan, including training  
  • Generate assessment and post-event follow-up plans  
  • Liaise with campus groups and event stakeholders to build relationships across campus  
  • Organize catering and food as needed for events while following campus-and venue-specific guidelines

Social Justice Mini-Courses

Institutional Awareness & Communication is a skill set under ACUI’s Social Justice Core Competency. This mini-course can be taken on its own or as part of the Social Justice Learning Path.

  • Various and inclusive communication, leadership, and management styles  
  • Cultural traditions and artifacts present in and important to the campus and local communities  
  • Manifestation of institutional oppression and strategies to create equity 
  • Keith Kowalka
  • Zac Lomas
  • LaSabra Williams
  • Vicki Highstreet
  • Amy Liss
  • Build and lead an inclusive, accessible, and creative environment that acknowledges, fosters, and supports differing cultures and identities  
  • Build effective partnerships with academic and other campus administrative units to create and maintain collaboration on issues of social justice, cultural knowledge, advocacy and intercultural education  
  • Design opportunities for all members of the campus community and their voices be included and represented in the array of physical displays and events offered   
  • Implement just and equitable programs, services, and facilities to meet the needs of diverse identities and populations  
  • Shift communication practices and appropriately adapt behavior to cultural differences and commonalities. 

Understanding Self, Identity, & Culture is a skill set under ACUI’s Social Justice Core Competency. This mini-course can be taken on its own or as part of the Social Justice Learning Path.

This course explores how one’s own intersecting identities and behaviors shape one’s worldview and lived experience, identity and cultural difference on campus, how and why intersecting identities and behaviors manifest in differing situations, the impact of privileged identities on campus and how campus climate and identity shape one another.

  • How oneโ€™s own intersecting identities and behaviors shape oneโ€™s worldview and lived experienceโ€ฏโ€ฏ 
  • Major aspects of identity and cultural difference within the campus community and in societyโ€ฏโ€ฏ 
  • How and why intersecting identities and behaviors manifest in differing situationsโ€ฏโ€ฏ 
  • Privilege and privileged identities, and the impact of privileged identities on campus and on underrepresented identities and communitiesโ€ฏโ€ฏ 
  • How campus climate and identity impact one anotherโ€ฏ 
  • Brandon Dula
  • LaSabra Williams
  • Sameera Luthor
  • Keith Kowalka
  • Jocelyn Santana
  • Seek appropriate resources and partner with experts on campus and in the community to address issues of identity and cultureโ€ฏโ€ฏ 
  • Identify and take advantage of continuing education opportunities on identity, diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justiceโ€ฏโ€ฏ 
  • Use empathy toward others and seek to understand their social perspectivesโ€ฏโ€ฏ 
  • Understand personal biases and mitigate their influence on decision making and relationshipsโ€ฏโ€ฏ 
  • Engage in continuous learning as world events and research develop new information in this areaโ€ฏ 

Additional Mini-Courses

Many college union professionals are now being asked to include fundraising and alumni development as a part of their financial plans. This course will offer some examples of successful techniques for fostering relationships from graduation to donor.

  • Complete your comprehensive approach to a fundraising and alumni development campaign, including a case for support, marketing strategy, donor identification/ cultivation, fundraising platforms, and stewardship.
  • Matt Burchett
  • Mark Guthier

This training is designed to provide a broad overview of legal issues impacting college union and student activities professionals.  Potential topics include diversity and inclusion, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Association, Title IX, student organizations, as well as other areas.

  • Identify different legal issues faced on the college campus 
  • Identify legal issues your institution has faced in its history
  • Start processing the gray area of legal issues and how that affects you and others
  • Explore cases surrounding legal issues in higher education
  • Dave Barnes
  • Jeff Pelletier
  • Loren Israel
  • Jon Kappell

This course explores topics that could be triggering for some individuals.

  • Describe a variety of mental health issues present on and off campus 
  • Recognize mental health issues faced by students on your campus 
  • Describe typical approaches, strategies, and challenges when dealing with mental health issues on campus 
  • Explain how stress and anxiety work, how they affect overall wellness, and strategies for addressing them 
  • Recognize risk factors and warning signs of suicide and basic skills for becoming an ally to someone in need 
  • Identify issues faced by marginalized groups 
  • Describe how mental health perspectives are different around the world 
  • Develop a manual or training on mental health helping skills 
  • Overview of mental health and wellness
  • Mental health on campus
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Depression, suicide, and suicide prevention
  • Mental health and special populations
  • Krista Harrell
  • Ben Perlman
  • Scarlett Winters

This training covers a variety of online communication methods, and how to make each more accessible. Covered topics include websites, PDFs, e-communications, and video.

  • Learners will justify use of accessible online resources 
  • Learners will create and/or revise content using best practices for accessibility 
  • Learners will evaluate content for accessibility 
  • Learners will use tools designed for accessibility 

This foundational marketing mini-course covers marketing terms and principles and provides the knowledge and skills to create a basic marketing plan for an event, department, or program.  

  • Communicate institutional and departmental mission, goals, and brand promise verbally and in writing  
  • Apply institutional and departmental mission and goals to branding and audience identification  
  • Develop a product, program, or service based on demonstrated audience need  
  • Anticipate how a product, program, or service would affect or be interpreted by various campus populations  
  • Apply inclusive excellence strategies in departmental marketing and communication 

Course Expectations

  • Attendance: Participants in full courses should complete the work in the week it is scheduled. Participants must reach out to the instructor of that module to request an exception.
  • Course Format: Full courses consist of six to eight weeks of online learning. Some aspects are asynchronous (done on your own time) and some are synchronous (done as a class). As a general rule, you should set aside 4 hours per week for these courses. Mini-courses are 100% self-paced, and consist of approximately 30 hours of training that can be completed within six months. Full courses include high engagement, not only with the content, but also with your peers and faculty. Assignments and knowledge checks are included throughout the course. In addition to reading and viewing content, students will engage in class discussions through discussion boards and attend regularly scheduled virtual classroom sessions in real time. These virtual classroom sessions will be recorded for those for whom attendance is not possible. Students who successfully complete a course will receive a certificate and digital credential. 
  • Requirements: There are no prerequisites for courses, but a computer with high-speed Internet connection will be required to submit and participate in course activities. A webcam is strongly encouraged for virtual classroom meetings in full courses.
  • Grading: The final grade will be based both on the assignments and participation in full courses. Participation includes completion of all aspects of the course, full participation in the discussions, and attendance or viewing of virtual classroom sessions in full courses. Faculty will grade all assignments in full courses and provide feedback. The final project will be graded by a human being in mini-courses. All other aspects of the course are self-paced and managed through the Learning Management System.
  • Expectations: All participants in full courses are expected to actively participate in the Discussion Board and Virtual Classrooms, be respectful to each other, and adhere to all ACUI behavioral guidelines.
  • Program Evaluation and Feedback: Students taking full courses will be contacted mid-course to collect feedback on their experience with the course. All course types ask students to fill out a survey at the end of the course with opinions on the program and suggestions on how we can improve going forward. Please take notes as you go through this program, and share with us your perspective on how we can better serve you in future.