Webinar: Group Dynamic Stages

Working in groups is part of most jobs, especially in student affairs and college unions. This webinar looks at group dynamic stages, including the positives and potential pitfalls in each...

Webinar: Encouraging Hard Conversations

In an effort to unite our divided communities, we started a program for the campus community and surrounding community to enter into dialogue with someone with different perspectives than themselves....

Webinar: August 2024 Hot Topics Roundtable

In 2024 ACUI will continue quarterly hot topics roundtables. These roundtables will give members the opportunity to discuss up to three topics affecting their lives and work. Discussion prompts will...

Webinar: Election Season Preparation

ACUI members were met with many challenges in early 2024, experiencing encampments and demonstrations related to the Israel-Palestine situation. With a polarizing 2024 U.S. presidential election season around the corner,...

Thought Leadership: The MVP of Strategic Planning

The MVP of Strategic Planning workshop will focus on your organization’s potential and drive long-term success. This interactive session is designed to equip participants with essential skills for effective strategic...