The Volunteer Development Team is responsible for ensuring that ACUI is a model for volunteer involvement for those members willing to give of their time and talents to advance the events and services of ACUI. Members gain insights into training, recruitment, recognition, and evaluation practices, while building relationships with colleagues interested in giving back and developing new skills.

Reporting to the Volunteer Development Coordinator and supported by the Director of Volunteer & Member Engagement, for a two-year term, team members are responsible for:

  • Coordinating, communicating, and revising a detailed plan for volunteer engagement in ACUI, and soliciting input from regional volunteer coordinators.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of volunteer positions to determine if a position should be maintained, redefined, or eliminated based on ACUI and members’ needs.
  • Coordinating, with the Central Office, a recruitment/marketing plan for volunteer positions.
  • Identifying strategies to engage members as volunteers, cultivating an active file of interested volunteers and matching these individuals with available positions.
  • Coordinating a process to recognize, thank, and retain volunteers, as well as the institutions that support volunteers.
  • Evaluating and improving the application and selection process of volunteers.
  • Developing procedures to follow up with applicants who are not selected encourage them to apply for other positions.
  • Developing procedures for evaluating volunteer performance and Central Office staff liaison effectiveness.
  • Providing training opportunities to ensure an informed volunteer workforce.
  • Collaborating and communicating with other ACUI components to integrate their work into the volunteer experience.
  • Participating in regular Volunteer Development Team meetings via conference call.

This Association-level planning position is ideal for those interested in collaborating to create experiences that engage members through events, research, fundraising, and other opportunities.

ACUI is no longer accepting applications for this volunteer role.

ACUI is not currently accepting applications for this position.

The written application will ask you to:

  • Provide your name, institution, and contact information
  • Describe your relevant professional experience, ACUI volunteer experience, other professional/community volunteer experience, and/or educational background
  • Describe what skills and perspectives you possess that would contribute to your success as an ACUI volunteer
  • Explain why you are interested in volunteering for this specific opportunity
  • Upload a sign Institutional Support Form, showing that a supervisor is knowledgeable of the position description and its commitments.

To discuss volunteering with your institution to ensure that they are supportive of your involvement, download these About Volunteer with ACUI talking points [pdf] to share additional information about what it means to be a volunteer.

A screening committee made up of the volunteer team leader, the staff liaison, and other related volunteers will review applications, interview qualified candidates, and make a selection recommendation.

Volunteers involved in this opportunity will enhance their skill sets in the areas below. Learn more about the ACUI core competencies for the profession.

Human Resources

  • Training and Development
  • Ethical Hiring, Promotion, and Retention


  • Establishing Priorities and Goal Setting
  • Project Management

Social Justice

  • Institutional Awareness and Communication
  • Advocacy

At the time of application, individuals must have: employment at a higher education institution; institutional or individual membership; a signed institutional support form; and a commitment to fulfilling the duties of the position for the length of the term. Applicants must also demonstrate an understanding of ACUI’s vision, core values, and core competencies, as well as the knowledge and skills necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position. 

Association planning volunteer positions require a commitment of two years. While projects vary by season and role, over the course of the term, volunteers should anticipate approximately six to eight hours of conference call and project work per month.