The Institute for Leadership Education and Development (I-LEAD®) promotes the personal growth and skill development of college students, and a vital part of the event are the members of the facilitation team who help to make it all happen.

These short-term volunteer opportunities are some of the most intense and unique that ACUI offers, but they can also be some of the most impactful and rejuvenating. Student interns will work closely with the lead facilitators to prepare for institute activities and assist in the presentation of select sessions.

Reporting to the I-LEAD® Program Team Leaders and event staff liaisons, all facilitation team members are responsible for:

  • Being a positive and productive role model for students and professionals.
  • Maintaining a strong working relationship with the facilitation team.
  • Having a working knowledge of “The Leadership Challenge” (Kouzes & Posner, 2012), and positively promoting the curriculum to the student participants.
  • Addressing minor disciplinary problems as needed with individual students, and bringing larger problems to the attention of the lead facilitators.
  • Participating in pre-institute training calls and webinars.
  • Being an active participant in all aspects of I-LEAD®. The institute is one of the most exhausting and rewarding experience one could have in their professional career. The team needs volunteers to be ready to show up, be present, and commit to making a huge difference in the lives of the student participants.

More specific responsibilities for each position include:

This is a serving volunteer position, ideal for those interested in providing opportunities for peer networking and resource sharing, collaborating on special projects that meet a unique need, or communicating the value of the Association.

ACUI is no longer accepting applications for this volunteer role.

  • Assisting in the recruitment and training of the I-LEAD® Facilitation Team, including, small group facilitators, and interns.
  • Maintaining a strong working relationship with your co-lead facilitator partner.
  • Facilitating discussions and activities corresponding with the curriculum, building community, and challenging students to get the most from their experience during large group sessions.
  • Leading large group activities with the I-LEAD® Program Team leaders.
  • Assisting in the facilitation of training for small group facilitators and daily facilitator wrap-up meetings on-site.
  • Addressing minor disciplinary problems as needed with individual students, and bringing larger problems to the attention of the I-LEAD® Program Team.
  • Having at least one year of previous experience as a small group facilitator. 
  • Facilitating discussions and activities corresponding with the curriculum, building community, and challenging students to get the most from their experience during small group sessions.
  • Assisting and supplementing the lead facilitators as needed, while remaining a positive, active participant in large group sessions.
  • Providing logistical support for large group and small group institute activities.
  • Preparing and facilitating the presentation of select sessions.
  • Being an active participate in large group sessions and informal reflection times, challenging students to get the most from their experience. 
  • Supporting small groups by encouraging their team identities.

ACUI is accepting applications for this position through April 5!

The written application will ask you to:

  • Provide your name, institution, and contact information
  • Describe your relevant professional experience, ACUI volunteer experience, other professional/community volunteer experience, and/or educational background
  • Describe what skills and perspectives you possess that would contribute to your success as an ACUI volunteer
  • Explain why you are interested in volunteering for this specific opportunity

To discuss volunteering with your institution to ensure that they are supportive of your involvement, download these About Volunteer with ACUI talking points [pdf] to share additional information about what it means to be a volunteer.

A screening committee made up of the volunteer team leader, the staff liaison, and other related volunteers will review applications, interview qualified candidates, and make a selection recommendation.

Volunteers involved in this opportunity will enhance their skill sets in the areas below. Learn more about the ACUI core competencies for the profession.

Organizational Leadership

  • Awareness of Self
  • Problem Solving
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Group Management

Social Justice

  • Understanding of Self, Identity, and Culture

Student Learning

  • Application of Theory to Practice
  • Knowledge of Student Development Theory

At the time of application, professionals must have: employment at a higher education institution; institutional or individual membership; and a commitment to fulfilling the duties of the position for the length of the term. 

At the time of application, students must be: a degree-seeking undergraduate or graduate student who is not a full-time employee at the institution; involved in a college union/student activities department; not set to graduate the upcoming May or August; and committed to fulfilling the duties of the position for the length of the term.

Applicants must also demonstrate an understanding of ACUI’s vision, core values, and core competencies, as well as knowledge and skills related to the responsibilities of the position. 

The time commitments for facilitation team members include:

  • Lead Facilitators: Participate in monthly curriculum development, planning meetings, and small-group facilitator trainings.
  • Attending mandatory online training prior to the institute.
  • Attending all daily facilitator wrap-up meetings.
  • Attending all in-person training, institute program meetings, and sessions