Region V Awards

The application deadline for the awards has passed and will reopen in advance of the 2024 Regional Conference.

This award is given to an outstanding graduate student at a member institution of Region V who has shown exemplary performance in the college union/student activities field and commendable service to ACUI. The recipient of the award must currently be employed in the college union/student activities field at a Region V college or university and pursuing a master’s or Ph.D. degree. The individual will have demonstrated a positive impact on the community served and commitment to fulfilling the role of the college union by serving as a role model for fellow peers and students and exemplify the core values of the Association in their work and studies. Nomination materials must include online nomination form, two letters of recommendation (one must be from a current supervisor), proof of good academic standing, and other supporting documents (if applicable).

Past Recipients
  • 2023: Ahja Howard, University Of Illinois–Springfield
  • 2021: Haley Simpson, University of Illinois–Springfield
  • 2020: Jasmin Valadez, Southern Illinois University–Carbondale
  • 2019: Cydney Coffey, Minnesota State University–Mankato
  • 2016: Darien Abadie, Southern Illinois University–Edwardsville 

This award is presented to an institution, group, or individual for executing an outstanding program, event, project, or activity that fosters the enhancement of the campus community. Here are some examples but not limited to: social media or marketing campaigns, building improvements, process/operational efficiencies, hosted events, recognition programs, staff training, or new ideas that have been implemented in your student union.

The selection of the award is based on several factors, including student involvement, creativity, and the success of the initiative. Nomination materials must include online nomination form as well as a summary of the program, addressing title and description of the initiative (including intended outcomes). Other supporting documents that may be submitted include: budget and identified funding sources; evidence of achievement of goals through evaluations; supporting documentation including, but not limited to photos, videos, marketing samples, etc. that directly support the initiative.

Past Recipients
  • 2023: HEROES, Southern Illinois University–Carbondale
  • 2022: UIS CARES Program- University of Illinois Springfield
  • 2021: William Tourville, Minnesota State Mankato
  • 2020: #MorrisMission, University of Minnesota–Morris
  • 2016: Masters of Success Program, North Dakota State University 

This award honors an individual employed by a member institution who has exemplified the mission, vision, and values of their home institution and ACUI. Any individual employed part-time or full-time by an ACUI member institution within support of the college union is eligible for the award. 

Nominations should address how the candidates meets one or more of the following criteria:

  • Creating campus environments that promote student learning and personal development.
  • Being involved on their campus beyond their direct area or department. 
  • Impacted others through mentorship and guidance
  • Enhancing the quality of work life in ways that make a significant difference for colleagues or customers. 
  • Providing outstanding and ongoing excellence in service to faculty, staff, students, community, and/or other customers. 
  • Developing creative solutions to problems that result in significantly more effective and efficient department or university operations. 
  • Consistently demonstrating one or more of their institution’s values. 
  • Exhibiting dedication to the ideals of ACUI.   

Additional consideration will be given for those who are involved at the college, regional or international levels of ACUI.    

Nomination materials must include online nomination form, two letters of recommendation (one must be from a current supervisor), and other supporting documents (if applicable).

Past Recipients
  • 2023: Dornette Ashley, Northwestern University
  • 2022: Marie Watson- University of Illinois Springfield
  • 2021: Sara Suwalski, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
  • 2020: Sarah Meyer, University of Wisconsin–River Falls
  • 2018: Brittany Williams, Northwestern University 
  • 2017: Kyle Burke, Northeastern Illinois University
  • 2016: Jeni Eltink, University of Minnesota Duluth 

This award is given to an outstanding new professional, having served not less than two years and no more than five years in the profession of college unions and/or student activities and who has been identified as a model of employee service and volunteer involvement. The nominated individual will have demonstrated positive impact on the community served, and commitment to fulfilling the role of the college union. Additional consideration will be given to individuals who have demonstrated support to Region V and/or the Association by their involvement in Educational Council, the Leadership Team, hosting regional events or tournaments, or similar. Nomination materials must include online nomination form, two letters of recommendation (one must be from a current supervisor), and other supporting documents (if applicable).

Past Recipients
  • 2023: Nicole Proulx, University Of Wisconsin–Stevens Point
  • 2022: Brian Warzynski- University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
  • 2021: Tyler Klaver, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
  • 2020: Ashley Hall, University of Illinois–Springfield
  • 2019: Edi Kuhn, Marquette University
  • 2018: Jackie Grinvalds, Northeastern Illinois University
  • 2017: David Lemon, University of St.Thomas
  • 2016: Anthony Faris, North Dakota State University  

This award has been established as the highest honor presented by ACUI Region V. The recipient must be a person who has participated in the college union and student activities movement as a professional for a minimum of 10 years and who is active in the field at the time of nomination. The nominee must have attained prominence through their efforts to develop the college union and student activities movement through his or her work within the Association and on campus. Candidates must be: 

  • A person of such integrity, stature, and demonstrated ability that the students, faculty, staff, and alumni of their college will take pride in and be inspired by this recognition. 
  • A person eminently successful on campus, in the Association and in the community, with a record of accomplishment that is impressive to the college union and student activities movement.   

Nomination packet should include: 

  • Name, title, and contact information for the person being nominated for the award 
  • Completed online nomination form 
  • Supporting evidence of their fulfillment of all eligibility requirements and award criteria (this could include a resume of nominee outlining involvement in ACUI and their contributions to ACUI and their college)
  •  Two letters of recommendation from professional colleagues and one letter of recommendation from a student that would support the nomination of the person for the award, including present and past positions held in the college union and student activities field, service to ACUI (local, regional, and international), service to the nominee’s own campus(es), service to other professional organizations (if applicable), community activity, and other qualifications or comments.
Past Recipients
  • 2023: Jeni Eltink, University of Minnesota–Duluth
  • 2022: Kyle Burke- University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse
  • 2021: Kelly Schaefer, Northwestern University
  • 2020: Maggie Towle, University of Minnesota–Twin Cities
  • 2018: David Isaels-Swanson, University of Minnesota, Morris
  • 2017: Richard Thomas, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee

This award is given to an outstanding undergraduate student at a member institution of Region V who has shown dedicated work ethic in the student union/student activities field. The nominated individual will have demonstrated significant contributions to their home campus and serve as a role model for fellow peers and students in addition to exemplifying the core values of the Association in their work and studies. Nomination materials must include online nomination form, two letters of recommendation (one must be from a current supervisor), proof of good academic standing, and other supporting documents (if applicable).  

Past Recipients
  • 2023: Sarah Zuern, University Of Wisconsin–Stevens Point
  • 2022: Amber Peterson- University of North Dakota
  • 2021: Mariah Mihm, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
  • 2020: Carmen Seda, Marquette University 
  • 2019: Jessica Rosignol, UW-Whitewater
  • 2018: Bisrat Bayou, University of St. Thomas
  • 2017: Grzegorz Krzywicki, Northwestern University 
  • 2016: Justin Humphrey, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Ania Holubecki, Northwestern University 

Region V Scholarships

2024-2025 scholarship information will be released in August.

Region V Graphics Competition

The Region V Graphics Contest showcases the exceptional marketing and promotional ideas that have been designed by members within Region V. The winners of the Graphics Contest will have their artwork displayed at various times throughout the ACUI Region V conference.

The following rules and requirements must be met to be considered for this contest: 

1. Each institution is allowed to submit TWO designs for each category. 

  • ONE design created by a Pro Staff member(s) 
  • ONE design created by a Student Staff member(s) 

If we receive more than one submission per category, we will select the first submission (based on the time stamp) and disregard all other submissions for that category.  

2. Each design can only be entered into the contest once, so select the appropriate category wisely. If you do not  have a design for each category, that is okay too!  

3. All designs must have been created between November 2022 and September 2023.

Remember, for each category you can submit ONE design created by a Pro-Staff member, and ONE design created  by a Student Staff member.

  • Apparel & Uniforms: Please provide photos of folks wearing apparel or display the artwork on a clothing template so the design intention is understood.
  • Banners and Large Format Posters: Window banners, athletic banners, homecoming promos, etc. 
  • Brochure: This consists of a one page, single or double-sided, folded, print production. If the brochure is  two-sided, please attach both front and back views. 
  • Cards & Invitations: This may include postcards, event invitations, etc. 
  • Digital Signage: This may include designs intended for any digital monitors around your campus.
  • Handmade Designs: This category allows you to share some of your designs that might not fall in the typical Graphic Design category. These designs could include such things as: bulletin board designs,  chalkboard walls, dry erase board designs, window painting, etc.
  • Logo/Brand Identity: Please provide logos by themselves and not as part of another piece of artwork.
  • Multi-Page Publication: This can include such items as: booklets, ladder books, magazines, catalogs,  calendars, etc.
  • Promotional Campaign: Promotional campaigns consist of two or more separate category pieces  presented together as a cohesive campaign. For example, a Digital Sign and Instagram Post for New  Student Orientation, etc.
  • Promotional Swag: Swag is typically branded merchandise that is given away as a form of  advertising. Swag items may include such things as: Stickers, chip clips, pens, tote bags, water bottles,  lanyards, keychains, buttons etc. Please supply a photograph of any unique swag you utilized this year.
  • Signs: This category includes designs that are typically more permanent. For instance, directional signage,  restaurant signs, menu boards, etc.
  • Social Media: Because social media is such a large category, we are going to break it into smaller pieces,  allowing you to share more of your content. Please submit 2 designs under each of the following  categories:
    • Social Media Account Aesthetic: Social media branding is about consistently using the right  methods to engage with your target audience on your social media platforms and what kind of vibe you give off. We want to see the overall look and feel of your social media profiles. Please provide links and/or screenshots of your social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok,  etc.)
    • Social Media Campaign: This must include 3 or more cohesive posts, videos, or some form of  content that was shared on a social media platform(s).
    • Social Media Post: This includes images and captions.
    • Social Media Video: This includes TikTok videos, reels, Instagram stories, etc. that were  specifically created to be shared on these platforms. 
  • Small-Scale Print Designs: This includes such things as: Table tents, flyers, business cards, etc.
  • Videos: Promotional videos or advertisements, training videos, orientation presentations, etc. This does  not include videos created or intended specifically for social media, I.e., TikTok videos, reels, stories, etc.
  • Wall Art & Decor: This category includes designs that are typically more permanent. For instance, murals, vinyl displays, oversize photo prints, 3D art, etc.
  • Websites: This can include any part of your institution’s website. Please provide specific examples (Student Organization Directory, Campus food Pantry, etc.).
  • Miscellaneous: Please include any other project that you may have worked on this past year that does not  fit within any of the other categories above.

View the winners on Facebook or Instagram!

  • Professional: Weltonia Harris- University of Illinois Chicago
  • Student: Andrew Endres- University of Wisconsin-Platteville
  • Professional: Mary Umbarger- University of Illinois Springfield
  • Student: Alison Acker- University of Wisconsin- Whitewater
  • Student: Morgan Furstenberg- University of Wisconsin- Platteville
  • Student: Emily Davis- University of Wisconsin- Platteville
Digital Campaign
  • Professional: Megan Williams- University of Illinois Chicago
  • Student: Jada Thur- University of Wisconsin- Whitewater 
Interior/Wall Art
  • Professional: Daniel Moutray, Brandon Macier, Nathan Bonner & Malea Bailey- Southern Illinois University
  • Student: Rachel Kinjerski, Kallie Kneuppel- University of Wisconsin- Green Bay
Logo/Brand Identity
  • Professional: Megan Williams- University of Illinois Chicago
  • Student: Andraia Bieth – University of Wisconsin- Oshkosh
  • Professional: Godfrey Carmona- University of Illinois Chicago
  • Student: Andrew Endres- University of Wisconsin- Platteville
Multi-Page Publication
  • Professional: Godfrey Carmona- University of Illinois Chicago 
  • Student: Andrew Endres, Morgan Furstenberg, Emily Davis, Claire Polinag University of Wisconsin- Platteville
  • Professional: Godfrey Carmona- University of Chicago
  • Student: Max Kroll- North Western University
Promotional Campaign
  • Professional: Godfrey Carmona- University of Chicago
  • Student: Alexa Nelson- University of Wisconsin- Whitewater
  • Professional: Godfrey Carmona- University of Chicago
  • Student: Andrew Endres University of Wisconsin- Platteville
Social Media Campaign
  • Professional: Max Homstad & Isabel Finn University of Wisconsin – Madison
  • Student: Peyton Boelk University of Wisconsin- Whitewater
  • Professional: Corey Stilwell- University of Wisconsin- La Crosse
  • Student: Clara Huskin & Annika Carter University of Wisconsin – Madison 
  • Professional: Malea Bailey, Brandon Macier, Carson Vanbuskirk, Brian Beiser- Southern Illinois University
  • Student: Sachith Wanniarachchi- Minnesota State University Mankato
  • Professional: Kaylie Connaughty & Corey Stillwell University of Wisconsin- La Crosse