Region IV Student of the Month

Spotlighting Excellence: Nominate Your Student of the Month in Region IV!

ACUI Region IV’s Student (employee/fellow/personnel) of the Month program is proud to recognize the amazing efforts and contributions of our regional member institutions’ students. Our goal is simple in that we as the RLT want to recognize and give space for the talented, innovative thinkers, stewards & colleagues in the impactful student-centered work that we get to do every day.

Open to:

-Undergraduate, graduate, or certificate-seeking students
-Works in and or for programs within the college union, center, commons, or satellite spaces
-i.e. but not limited to: admission, student leadership, involvement, community engagement, basic needs, retail dining, operations, custodial, environmental services, campus activities, fraternity/sorority life, gaming services, campus information, university art gallery, and more

Begins with the first (1st) month of the calendar year. Submissions are due on the 10th of every following month. For example, nominations for January 2025 are due no later than February 10, by 11:59 Mountain Standard (MST) 2025.

Those selected will be:

  • Highlighted/featured posted on Region IV social media accounts
  • Certificate of “ACUI Region IV Student of the Month”
  • Token of appreciation for the Regional Leadership Team
  • Becomes a Finalist in our Student of the Year Award to be presented at the Regional Leadership Conference

Region IV Awards

Award applications are now closed – stay tuned for future opportunities to shine!

The ACUI Region IV Community College Professional Award honors an individual who demonstrates achievement in the field of student/campus activities or college union management at a community college.


Nominees must:

  • Be employed by an ACUI two-year college in student/campus activities or the college union field.

Criteria the review process includes, but is not limited to, an assessment of the following:

  • Achievements in student/campus activities or college union management at a two-year college.
  • Continued support and service to ACUI conferences, programs, and or webinars at the regional and (inter)national level.
  • Demonstrated merit in the enhancement of the college union field.

A minimum of one (1) Letter of recommendation outlining points of criteria listed above is required.

  • Letters may be written by another colleague, a supervisor, co-worker, or anyone familiar with the nominee’s involvement in ACUI Region IV (or former regions now part of Region IV). If you are submitting more than one (1) letter, please scan all letters into one (1) pdf document to submit.

This award recognizes Region IV members who are solving daily operations & facilities challenges by using innovative and environmentally sustainable practices and or creative partnerships. The practice (project/program) should take the form of significant and novel advantage, which has the potential to deliver major benefits to the community in one or more areas listed: Sustainability, Educational environmental, Health, Industrial, Technological, and Social Impact.


Any individual, institution, or organization that is an ACUI member is eligible to apply for this award. For collaborative initiatives or partnerships, at least half of the applicants (and all institutions) must be ACUI members. Eligible projects must:

  • Have been initiated or (substantially adjusted) after June 2017.
  • Be submitted by an applicant who is in good standing with ACUI.
  • Be open to having a summary of their accomplishments published.

A letter summarizing the project/program, addressing:

  • Title and description of the project/program (include intended programmatic outcomes).
  • Addressing at minimum of one criterion listed above.
  • Program budget and identified funding sources.
  • Evidence of achievement of goals through evaluations/assessments methods.
  • Any supporting documentation of the project/program. This could include photos, links to videos, marketing samples, etc. that directly support the program.
  • Please scan all materials into one (1) pdf document to submit.

The review process includes, but is not limited to, an assessment of the listed below information of the program. Due to the wide variety of projects/programs that can be considered, your submission does not need to meet each criterion, please indicate a minimum of one (1) in which the project/program meets.

  • Does the project/program demonstrate the use of practices that exemplify outstanding creativity or introduce new approaches?
  • Does the applicant clearly demonstrate leadership in the field and practices beyond what is standard?
  • Is the project/program environmentally sound and/or economically feasible? Does it result in a significant and measurable environmental benefit?
  • Does the stewardship project/program improve, protect, or make a significant contribution to the sustainable use of natural resources or provide a better quality of life in balance with the natural environment?
    • For example, does a project protect water and/or air quality; reduce green house gases; protect or enhance scenic, historic, or cultural resources; protect sensitive habitats; or help maintain resource-based business?
  • How is the project/program novel? What new techniques or benefits does it offer?
  • Does the project/program clearly demonstrate the applicant’s commitment to environmental excellence and leadership in protecting the environment or providing stewardship of natural resources and ecosystems?
  • Does the project/program lend itself to replication by others performing similar work?
Past Recipients
  • 2024: Driscoll & Community Commons-Plant Team, University of Denver

The Moonen-Solbach (Region IV Leadership & Service) Award recognizes significant leadership, volunteer service, and commitment to student development, college unions, and ACUI.

Originally presented separately as the Pat Moonen Outstanding Service Award (Region 13) and the Vern Solbach Award (Region 14), this award honors an individual who has made a significant contribution to the region while reflecting the mission and goals of ACUI.


The nominee:

  • Has served in Region IV for a minimum of one year.
  • Has made various contributions to Region IV (or any former regions now part of Region IV), while reflecting the mission and goals of ACUI.

The nominee:

  • How has the nominee contributed to Region IV (or former regions now part of Region IV)? Please be specific and share examples.
  • In what ways has the nominee furthered the growth and goals of Region IV (or former regions now part of Region IV)?
  • How long and in what capacity nominator has known the nominee?

A minimum of one (1) Letter of recommendation is required.

  • Letters may be written by another colleague, a supervisor, co-worker, or anyone familiar with the nominee’s involvement in ACUI Region IV (or former regions now part of Region IV). If you are submitting more than one (1) letter, please scan all letters into one (1) pdf document to submit.
Past Recipients
  • 2024: Berto Cerrillo, Portland Community College
  • 2023: Cody Buechner, University of Alaska Anchorage

This award is given to an student leader at a member institution of Region IV who has shown dedicated work ethic in the student union/campus/student activities field. The nominated will have demonstrated significant contributions to their home campus and serve as a role model for fellow peers and students, in addition to exemplifying the core values of the Association in their work and studies.


Any individual, campus organization, or institution that is an ACUI member is eligible to apply for this award. For collaborative initiatives or partnerships, all institutions must be ACUI members.

Nominees must:

  • A student in good standing at a member ACUI Institution
  • Worked a minimum of at least one year in the student union/campus/student activities field.

The review process includes, but is not limited to, an assessment of the criteria listed below. Due to the wide variety of programs that can be considered, a program does not need to meet each and every criterion.

  • Outline of leadership and/or employment success, campus contributions and other relevant items.

A minimum of one (1) Letter of recommendation is required.

  • Letters may be written by another colleague, a supervisor, co-worker, or anyone familiar with the nominee’s involvement in ACUI Region IV (or former regions now part of Region IV). If you are submitting more than one (1) letter, please scan all letters into one (1) pdf document to submit.
Past Recipients
  • 2024: Teresa Perez Gonzalez, University of Utah
  • 2023: Taylor Noland, University of Wyoming

The Rodie-Keintz Staff Mentor Award is presented to an individual who’s worked to mentor and develop new professionals in the field of college unions, student activities and the greater Higher Education space within the region.


Has been employed as a current full-time professional staff member of an ACUI member institution for a minimum of three years. Not less than nine months a year.

  • Makes a significant contribution to campus life at their institution.
  • Demonstrates commitment to the college union or student activities field.
  • Is viewed by colleagues as an educator.
  • Displays genuine support and regard for students.

A minimum of one (1) Letter of recommendation is required.

  • Letters may be written by another colleague, a supervisor, co-worker, or anyone familiar with the nominee’s involvement in ACUI Region IV (or former regions now part of Region IV). If you are submitting more than one (1) letter, please scan all letters into one (1) pdf document to submit.
Past Recipients
  • 2023: Jessi Steward, University of Oregon

The New Professional of the Year Award is presented to an individual who demonstrates the potential, and commitment for excellence in the field of college unions and student activities.

  • Has been employed as a current full-time professional staff member of an ACUI member institution in the field for five years or less.
  • Not less than nine months a year.
  • Makes a significant contribution to campus life at their institution.
  • Demonstrates commitment to the college union or student activities field.
  • Is viewed by colleagues as an educator.
  • Displays genuine support and regard for students.

A minimum of one (1) Letter of recommendation is required.

  • Letters may be written by another colleague, a supervisor, co-worker, or anyone familiar with the nominee’s involvement in ACUI Region IV (or former regions now part of Region IV). If you are submitting more than one (1) letter, please scan all letters into one (1) pdf document to submit.
Past Recipients
  • 2024: Ryann Combe, University of Utah
  • 2023: Quinn Marquardt GrandPre, University of Wyoming

The Staff-Driven Program of the Year Award was established to recognize the impact of programming on student learning and to celebrate the achievements of staff charged with programming on their campus. This award is given to a program that is created and implemented by professional staff and that represents standards of excellence and innovation in campus programming.


Any individual, campus organization, or institution that is an ACUI member is eligible to apply for this award. Nominated program must meet the following minimum standards:

  • Have been created and implemented by professional staff.
  • Have occurred on the campus of an ACUI member institution.
  • Have taken place since July 2023.

The review process includes, but is not limited to, an assessment of the criteria listed below. Due to the wide variety of programs that can be considered, a program does not need to meet every criterion. Please indicate a minimum of one in which the program meets.

  • Demonstrated excellence in campus programming
  • Innovation and uniqueness
  • Achievement of stated program outcomes
  • Demonstrated collaboration between union professionals and colleagues from outside the union, to include other campus departments, divisions and associations
  • Ability to be replicated at other campuses

A letter summarizing the program, addressing:

  • Title and description of the program (including intended programmatic outcomes)
  • Program budget and identified funding sources
  • Evidence of achievement of goals through program evaluations
  • Any Supporting documentation of program. This could include photos, links to videos, marketing samples, etc. that directly support the program.
  • Please scan all materials into one (1) pdf document to submit
Past Recipients
  • 2024: President’s Leadership Program-Global Leadership Experiences-Colorado State University
  • 2023: Griz Esports, University of Montana

The Student-Driven Program of the Year Award was established to recognize the impact of programming by students and to celebrate the achievements of student staffs charged with programming on their campus. This award is given to a program that is created and implemented by student staff(s).


Any individual, campus organization, or institution that is an ACUI member is eligible to apply for this award. Nominated program must meet the following minimum standards:

  • Have been created and implemented by students (who may be advised by professional staff)
  • Have occurred on the campus of an ACUI member institution.
  • Haven taken place since July 2023

The review process includes, but is not limited to, an assessment of the criteria listed below. Due to the wide variety of programs that can be considered, a program does not need to meet every criterion. Please indicate a minimum of one in which the program meets.

  • Demonstrated excellence in campus programming
  • Innovation and uniqueness
  • Achievement of stated program outcomes
  • Demonstrated collaboration between union professionals and colleagues from outside the union, to include other campus departments, divisions and associations
  • Ability to be replicated at other campuses

A letter summarizing the program, addressing:

  • Title and description of the program (including intended programmatic outcomes)
  • Program budget and identified funding sources
  • Evidence of achievement of goals through program evaluations
  • Any Supporting documentation of program. This could include photos, links to videos, marketing samples, etc. that directly support the program.
  • Please scan all materials into one (1) pdf document to submit.

Region IV’s Student Employee of the Year Award was established to recognize the amazing efforts and contributions of our regional member institutions’ student employees. The selected recipient is pulled from a pool made up of the Student Employee of the Month program.


Any individual, campus organization, or institution that is an ACUI member is eligible to apply for this award. Nominated program must meet the following minimum standards:

  • Undergraduate, graduate, or certificate-seeking students
  • Works in and or for programs within the college union, center, commons, or satellite spaces
    • i.e. but not limited to: admission, student leadership, involvement, community engagement, basic needs, retail dining, operations, custodial, environmental services, campus activities, fraternity/sorority life, gaming services, campus information, university art gallery, and more!
  • How the student employee has gone above and beyond in their position, leading to a lasting impact at the university and or in the community.
  • In addition, how they connect to the overall association’s core values (unconditional human worth, joy, learning, caring community, innovation, diversity, and integrity) in their work and studies.
Past Recipients

Region IV Scholarships

Region IV offers scholarships that help advance professionals and graduate students through participation in educational events.

Scholarships are now closed – but don’t worry, more opportunities to apply are just around the corner!

Every year, Region IV selects a number of students, whether undergraduate or graduate, for a scholarship to attend the Institute for Leadership Education and Development (I-LEAD®), ACUI’s premier student program. Applicants are required to submit an essay and at least one letter of support. Additionally, the applicant must acknowledge that fees not covered by program registration (travel/transportation) are at cost to the host institution or individual.

The money will reimburse your registration fees and provide support for travel and hotel cost. More information coming soon about applications and deadlines.