Thought Leadership: Lead, Lean, and Leverage: Being & Becoming a Strengths-Based Leader

According to Gallup, followers (and each of us are leaders who are also following others) need four things: trust, compassion, stability, and hope. Strengths-based leadership not only acknowledges these four needs but prioritizes them in the work environment and in relationships with safety and care at the forefront. During this session, we’ll focus on leading...

Webinar: Move-in Lessons

Hear from other professionals who have moved back into their unions following renovation/construction. They share what went right; what went wrong; and what they would recommend to others experiencing similar situations. About the Presenters

Webinar: December Hot Topics Roundtable

In 2023, ACUI will offer quarterly hot topics roundtables. These roundtables will give members the opportunity to discuss up to three topics affecting their lives and work. Discussion prompts will be provided for audience discussion. Join us for this practical networking opportunity. Note: There is no presenter for these programs.   The December event will cover...