Webinar: February 2024 Hot Topics Roundtable

In 2024, ACUI will continue quarterly hot topics roundtables. These roundtables will give members the opportunity to discuss up to three topics affecting their lives and work. Discussion prompts will be provided for audience discussion. Join us for this practical networking opportunity. Note: There is no presenter for these programs.   February’s topic is campus climate,...

Webinar: Parenting in Higher Ed: Panel Discussion with Q&A

Student union professionals facing time-management, self-care and other challenges that come along with parenting in a full-time role. Tips, tricks, advice, and Q&A from new and experienced parents. This session is presented by ACUI as part of the Well-Being in Higher Education series. Join over 20 higher education associations as we come together in dialogue...

Webinar: Wellness on Campus Panel: Transforming Spaces

Well-being initiatives through the design of physical spaces at the University of Akron, Vanderbilt University, and University of Virginia will be discussed in panel format, with Q&A at the end of the presentation.This session is presented by ACUI as part of the Well-Being in Higher Education series. Join over 20 higher education associations as we...

Webinar: Assessment and Evaluations Planning

Join us for this webinar on assessment and evaluation planning. We input a lot of time and energy into assessment and evaluation. A good plan can make all that time and energy worth it by producing results you can use for decision-making. This webinar focuses in on this planning process, including aligning your assessment with...

2024 ask the Expert: Free Speech on Campus

This program is designed to explore the intricacies of free expression in an academic setting and to understand its impact and limits. We will discuss how to facilitate expressive activity on campus, including during times of increased demonstrations and political activity. Participants are encouraged to submit questions about situations they have encountered and concerns they...

Thought Leadership: Navigating Transition with Compassionate Leadership

According to William Bridges, author of "Transitions: Making Sense of Life’s Changes," and developer of the Transitions Framework Model: “Much as we may wish to make a new beginning, some part of us resists doing so as though we were making the first step towards disaster.” As changemakers within our community, it can often be difficult...

Region VIII Webinar: Student Activism across the Globe

Come and hear about how student activism operates globally and learn about the similarities and differences with our panel members from Australia, Ireland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The session will comprise a panel discussion and a question-and-answer opportunity. This session will occur online and is brought to you by Region VIII. About...

Webinar: Staff vs. Volunteers – Supervision Strategies

Join ACUI for this webinar focused on supervision strategies for volunteers and staff on campus. Do you supervise both staff and volunteers? Do you currently supervise volunteers, but will be switching to a role where you supervise staff, or vice versa? This webinar covers the differences and similarities between supervising and developing staff and developing...

Webinar: May 2024 Hot Topics Roundtable

In 2024 ACUI will continue quarterly hot topics roundtables. These roundtables will give members the opportunity to discuss up to three topics affecting their lives and work. Discussion prompts will be provided for audience discussion. Join us for this practical networking opportunity. Note: There is no presenter for these programs.  The topic for May is esports....

Webinar: Build It and They Will Come

This session is designed to help you identify outdoor spaces on your campus that can be utilized creatively to promote diverse events to bring your campus community together. We will also discuss how you may be able to create additional positions, inventory, and campus support. About the Presenter ACUI Core Competencies Learning Outcomes As a...

Thought Leadership: Beyond Literacy: A JEDI Approach to Student Financial Empowerment

This session introduces a multilayered Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) approach for higher education professionals to enhance financial empowerment programming for students. As the need for financial literacy outcomes gain importance and attention on college campuses, how can we integrate JEDI principles to go further? A JEDI approach is crucial, especially for students from low-income...

Webinar: College Unions Certification Information Session

Join us to learn more about Certification for College Unions Professionals (CSAEd-CU). This informational session will cover what you need to know about exam preparation, financial assistance, and what you need to know before, during, and after the exam. Bring your questions!   About the Presenter ACUI’s Instructional Designer Scarlett Winters will be presenting this session....