ACUI Leaders Issue Statement in Response to Events at U.S. Capitol

We are not alone in expressing our dismay and anger as we watched Wednesday’s events at the U.S. Capitol transpire. The significance of this historic breach and threat to lawmakers cannot be overstated and undermines our nation and its standing in the world. No matter our political differences, we know you share our outrage.  

These riots were a deeply disturbing display of white supremacy culture. The disproportionate security and police responses to the peaceful activists for racial justice in recent months and pro-Trump insurrectionists Wednesday was stark. We hope this is a turning point for more voices to condemn inciteful rhetoric and together address the privilege embedded in our society. 

For those of you navigating fresh pain and reliving trauma, please take time for yourself and identify coping strategies if you are able. Supervisors, check in with your team and lead with compassion to give employees the space they need to process what happened this week. Ask students what they need. We must support each other and have hope that goodness and decency will prevail.  

The weeks ahead will certainly challenge us in new ways. Many are still living with a real fear for their physical and psychological safety, for the ongoing threats to our democracy, and for future violence against colleagues, friends, and family. Remember the work you do is critical now more than ever before as the college union educates “students in leadership and social responsibility and [offers] firsthand experiences in global citizenship.” We each can learn from and help shape students into our future leaders. 

It has been an especially harrowing year, but as always, your ACUI community is here for you. We are shaken but not defeated. Our work continues.  

John Taylor 
Chief Executive Officer

Brenda Evans 
